There is an ironic truth in the management complaint that computers have made the business so complex that if the power goes off or the information technology freezes up, everybody may as well go home. It has come to pass that we are so deeply invested in computers to operate on a daily business that we can not continue to operate without them. While this is literally true in many manufacturing and financial sectors, it is also beginning to be the state of affairs for nearly every company, and highlights the need for systems management software.
Information is the lifeblood of industry, from determining what product or service is needed to handling the myriad requirements that must all be pulled together to create them. Knowing the customer is a complicated business that is not intuitively obvious, and those who crack the code first are the most successful. Information is the key to the code, and information technology allows for its collection and analysis. As this new era of automation matures, the quest for ever greater detail in the information collected and studied grows until there comes a point where there is simply too much to effectively make sense of.
Given the right motivation, we can identify and collect an endless stream of facts concerning our business. There is information about the historical needs and uses of the product, what time of year it is most needed, what additions or complementary products most affect its use and so on. We can even spit details of which employee candidate pool is the most likely to successfully work in our industry and where they can be most easily found, attracted, hired and motivated. Unfortunately, we have not found a way to make the day longer or management more multitask capable than we already have. We can hire others to do parts of the business, but that in itself complicates the process and while we gain flexibility, we lose control.
While the data is important and even critical to a competitive organization, the methodology for gleaning information does impact the final data. Once all this data has been collected, the manager must make sense of it and put it to use in a practical way, a difficult endeavor made more complex by not having a good handle on the parameters under which it was collected. This is further complicated by the issue of time, just how much should be spent on the analysis of data?
Like all tools, the computer has the potential for enhancing decisions with data that engenders confidence and produces results. It becomes problematic when the tool becomes the driving force in the business. If management is spending more time using the tool than created and delivering the goods and services at the heart of the company, there is a problem. While the information and uses for it grow exponentially, management possesses an ability to use it which remains fairly stagnant, which means there is inefficiency in the process as a whole.
It is the essence of management to see the bigger picture, to make the decisions that will not only allow for the day to day business to get done, but to have a solid feel for what needs to be done to stay in business tomorrow. These two aspects of leadership conflict with a critical element of the reality of management, balancing time requirements. To that end, information systems were initiated to allow the manager greater access to information more quickly. While this has been a success, the data has become increasingly complex, and more and more time is eaten up processing it.
If a business is in the manufacturing industry, management does not want or need to spend its time gathering and inputting data about the supply chain, constructing statistical process control charts, or gathering data on trends in the demand for their product or the prices of their supply chain. What they need is that data collected for them by an automated system that collects and collates the information and packages it in a readily identifiable format and delivered to their desktop before the day begins.
So while it is important that someone is aware of the collection and interpretation of all the detailed information a company has, there has to be a way to develop that raw data into useful knowledge for each level of management. This is the crux of systems management software, manipulating data collected by software systems to develop actionable information for leadership to run the business efficiently and profitably.
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